Helping people with
disabilities manage
everyday tasks
Helping people with
disabilities manage
everyday tasks
Dundee & Angus Independent Living Centre is a place to try things out, free of charge. You are welcome to visit during opening hours without an appointment. Or, better still, make an appointment and we can show you round.
On this website you can see videos of people using the kit in the Centre. But it's not just about walking aids, stairlifts, level showers and easy to use kitchen tools. There is information about keeping well, staying safe, enjoying life, communicating and learning. Explore our Links section to find out more. You need to be assessed before borrowing equipment. The Centre covers both Dundee and Angus, and is open 9am to 5pm Monday - Friday.
Your feedback is very valuable to us to improve our service and to also continue providing an efficient service to everyone. To help us do this we would appreciate 15-30 minutes of your time to help us do this by completing a survey. The survey will be closing soon - feedback from the survey will appear shortly afterwards.
In order to raise awareness of Overdose Awareness and highlight the signs of overdose and what to do as well as provide brief information on Naloxone, please watch this short video. This will help to break down some of the stigma associated with substance use and overdose.
Further information on Substance Misuse Services can be found here
If you would like to conact someone, offices are open from 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday
Constitution House, 55 Constitution Road, Dundee, DD1 1LB. Tel 01382 632542.
Dundee Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (previously Integrated Substance Misuse Services) will have a new contact deatails from Tuesday 22nd June 2021.
If you or someone you know would benefit from this service then please contact them via;
email - Enable JavaScript to view protected content.
telephone - 01382 433205 (Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm)
Copyright © 2025 Independent Living Dundee & Angus - Produced by Dundee Voluntary Action
A partnership between Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership, Angus Health & Social Care Partnership and NHS Tayside