There is a huge amount of information on the internet for people with disabilities. This is a selection of useful national and local websites. Scroll down or click for Dundee Local and Angus Local.
AbilityNet - free technology help for disabled and older people
Living Made Easy - Clear, practical advice on daily living equipment.
Ask Sara - Advice on daily living equipment.
Help in a Crisis - Suicide? Help! Urgent support, as well as sources of advice and information.
Penumbra Information and sign-posting to services and resources that promote positive wellbeing and good mental health. Follow up appointments and support can also be arranged.
Dementia Circle - An Alzheimer's Scotland service which tests products and gadgets to see if they really work for people with dementia
Bladder & Bowel Community Runs the Just Can't Wait card for people with conditions which makes them incontinent. Supplies RADAR keys to open locked disability toilets. Also carries useful information ...
ALISS - Scotland wide database providing local information on health, well-being and community groups. You can add information as well as searching for it.
NHS Inform - Health information you can trust, designed for Scotland by NHS 24.
Scottish Disability Directory - Telephone helpline, text and email services and a range of information guides and other resources produced by Disability Information Scotland.
Research Institute for Disabled Consumers - reviews of cars, scooters, fitness equipment, other products; and research involving disabled and older people.
Guidance on Equipment and Adaptations - Advice and information from the Scottish Government.
Independent Living - Website, newsletter and buyers guides. (Not a charity or government site but promises impartial advice. Please use your own judgement).
NHS Tayside - News from NHS Tayside and practical information about local health services.
Angus Health & Social Care Partnership - Directs and plans Adult Health & Social Care in Angus.
Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership - Manages Adult Health & social Care services in Dundee.
Going Into and Leaving Hospital - Practical information to help you prepare for going in … and coming out of hospital.
Office of the Public Guardian and Dundee Protects and My Power of Attorney Dundee ... Make sure someone you trust can have power of attorney to look after your affairs, if you are no longer able.
ALISS - Scotland wide database providing local information on health, well-being and community groups. Search by postcode for the service you want.
Dundee My Wellbeing - Advice, information and services to support good mental health.
Carers of Dundee | Supporting People Who Care - We provide advice, information and flexible support on a one to one, group or telephone Young Carers Health & Wellbeing basis to carers like you.
Dundee Carers Centre - “Aims to improve the lives of carers through practical and emotional support, advocacy, training and information about services, rights and benefits.”
Protecting People - Protecting children in need of care and protection, adults in need of support and protection, adults and children affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence, the general public.
Dundee Community Directory - Comprehensive listings of organisations and activities.
Money & Benefits - Find advice agencies and helpful information about money and benefits
Doctors, Chemists, Opticians and other services - Search the NHS National Services Directory ... just click on the service you want and put in your postcode or town.
Dundee Dementia Resource Centre - Day care, information and carer support.
First Contact - main contact for adults looking for advice or services in Angus
Independent Living Angus - Loads of useful information and advice. If you live in Angus you can use online tools on this site to assess your own needs – and find out what is available.
Angus Community Occupational Therapy - help to live at home
Angus Carers Centre - Information, advice and a range of services to carers located in Angus and the surrounding areas.
Angus Carers Links Page - Useful directory of local organisations and services.
Angus Dementia Resource Centre - Support for people with dementia, their families, relatives and friends.
Doctors, Chemists, Opticians and other services - Search the NHS National Services Directory ... just click on the service you want and put in your postcode or town.
Money & Benefits
Angus Citizens Advice Bureau - Angus CAB has offices in Forfar, Brechin & Montrose.
Angus Council Welfare Rights - Advice on benefits, debt, budgeting and Mcmillan welfare rights advice for people with cancer.
Copyright © 2024 Independent Living Dundee & Angus - Produced by Dundee Voluntary Action
A partnership between Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership, Angus Health & Social Care Partnership and NHS Tayside